Hello, my gamer geek lovelies! Sorry for my absence, the darned holiday seasons have gotten hectic, but now back to gaming and motherhood! For Christmas, I got a Wii U and quite a few good games. For my Xbox 360, I got the Mass Effect Trilogy, KoA: The Reckoning, The Witcher 2, Dragon's Dogma, Dance Central 3, & Just Dance 4...So needless to say, I am content with my gaming selection for the time being. As for the Wii U, the only game I gave at the moment is Nintendo Land...I rented Mario Bros U and ZombiU, both of which are excellent! I intend to buy them as soon as our funds allow :3
Still writing for GamingPrecision.com, but aside from being staff writer, I am now in charge of graphic design as well. All I can hope for is that it will all lead me to where I want to be career-wise.
To keep up with the Geek mom and all the awesomness:
Website I write for:
Xbox360: xXSadisticaXx
PS3: Myojin_of_Souls
Wii U: SkywardPrincess